Dietary Timeline

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'D. C. Jarvis, M.D. (1881-1966), a general practitioner, made his contribution to the growing library of food faddism in 1958 with Folk Medicine: A Vermont Doctor's Guide to Good Health, a book that revived an eighteenth-century interest in vinegar. Dr. Jarvis believed that the principal threat to American health was an excess of "alkalinity." To increase acidity and create an environment that would prevent "the infestation of the body with pathogenic microorganisms," patients were advised to avoid meat, wheat and wheat-containing foods, citrus fruits, white sugar, and maple sugar-and dose themselves with two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar before each meal. Dr. Jarvis further advised a daily urine check to measure the progress in the battle against alkalinity.'

Whelan, E.M. & Stare, F.J. (1992) Panic in the Pantry. Prometheus Books, Amherst, NY.
[with thanks to Stephen Barrett, MD.]